
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bonnheim Ranch Fire Tonight

This was the view tonight at the intersection of Klau Mine Road and Chimney Rock Road of the currently ongoing escaped control burn south of Lake Nacimiento in Northern San Luis Obispo County. This fire has scorched at least 45 acres as of this posting following its genesis yesterday on the Bonnheim Ranch. Today high winds whipped it even more out of control, a process I monitored from a distance while working in the Adelaida area this afternoon into early evening. I assumed correctly while I watched the smoke building thicker and darker and faster while I worked today that it was a control burn that today's heavy winds were fanning out of control. This was a process that was rather fascinating to watch at all any time of year let alone in early March which is late Winter-time in this part of the world. It is worth noting that this fire was burning rather actively after dark as opposed to laying down for the night as most wildfires do, even in Summer. Photo by Kim Patrick Noyes (all rights reserved).


  1. Nice report, thank you for the info. Mike,

    1. Mike,

      Thanks for checking it out... this blog will always post anything relevant to the wildfire situation on the Central Coast to the degree that I'm able to manage that with my schedule so anytime anything is happening in the region check in here periodically.

  2. Will do. I am posting something about the upcoming fire season and I am linking to this post. I will add you to my links and check in with you as the season progresses. Looks like you are in for an active fire season over there.
    Be safe.

  3. Mike,

    Thanks so much and I did read your interesting blog post. Hold onto your balls! Undoubtedly this is going to be the most active fire season in California that we have experienced in a number of years. Our run of provident quietude in regards to wildfire is coming to an early-season end.

    I'm sure you've heard about the Yellow Jacket Incident on the LPF yesterday. Add to that the fire BigSurKate blogged on to which you mentioned as well as the fire up in Napa County a couple of weeks ago and one is left with a sense of foreboding.

    In light of the fact even more people live in the Interface now than in in the 2000's and there are fewer Federal air tankers and CalFire and county budget cuts are in place effecting the fire service that were not back in the 2000's the imagination can easily create a grim picture.

    By the way, I have had your blog listed in my favorite blogs for awhile now. It's nice to finally run into you on the internet.

