Friday, August 29, 2008

Random Musings of a Ramblin' Fool IX

Obama Kitsch-in Served Kool-aid

Barack Hussein Obama gave his Big Speech last night accepting his Presidential nomination to wrap up the 2008 Democratic National Convention and most loyal Democratic troops seem fairly convinced it was the voice of a god and not of a man which interpreted in modern-speak is rendered "it was simply divine!".
I saw a lot of sheeple in the crowd there the past few days drinking their Kook-Aid like good little ideological drones do.
The Democratic Party used to be a great party, the party of Roosevelt and Kennedy.

How have the mighty fallen!

And to watch the Kool-Aid drinking sheeple get all excited in the audience and the Leftist Media covering the event, especially the cast-members of CNN and MSNBC, fatuously act like gushing and blushing schoolgirls with thinly-disguised (if any at all) neutrality and objectivity was nauseating.

It's great if not a bit overdue that we have a black man running for President of the United States of America, but to have a black man running for office just for the sake of having a black man running for office is a monumental mistake!

America and Black America in particular would be better served having a better black candidate than Obama: try Condi Rice and/or Colin Powell. Now I'd vote for either of them and if they ran together I'd volunteer for their campaign organization.

I have yet to see how Obama is going to change anything as he has promised, especially being relatively new to the Beltway with little experience and few of the political connections needed to run the nation in stark contrast to the Clinton or Bush Rolodexes. Then he turns around and picks Mr Beltway Insider himself for veep and it boggles the mind.

Considering Obama's a flaming Liberal how is he going to unite us as he has promised?
Ideologues divide us, not unite us and Obama is one of the most if not THE most liberal of U.S. Senators in the Washington D.C.

Add to that his demonstrable lack of personal judgment shown in his attending Rev. Wright's church for so many years and serving on the board of a Chicago foundation with with 60's radical and terrorist Bill Ayers makes one wonder about Obama's personal judgment.

Obama has been disingenuous and deceptive all along about why he stayed with the Reverend Wright so long if at all.

Barack Obama is a narcissistic lightweight who has the temerity and hubris to run for President simply because he can but lacks the necessary experience and judgment and vision for the job.
At the same time Mr. Biden is part of the very problem needing the change Obama claims to be seeking to bring about.

Remember: the Democratic-controlled House and Senate have even lower poll numbers than Bush The Younger.

A Bold Political Counter-Stroke

Senator John Sidney McCain, the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee has nominated Alaska governor Sarah Louise Palin.
My initial reaction to this was shock and horror and outrage until I had more time to rationally and logically consider it.

Then it all made sense and the theoretical brilliance of it began to take clearer shape in my mind.

Obviously, it is not the most perfect selection but currently which one would for Obama or McCain?

The metaphorical cupboard is bare for both parties talent-wise so looking for new political stars takes some imagination and in a political year like this, some guts too.
McCain needed to do something bold and not simply play it safe and run the ball when the opposition expected it (to use a football metaphor).

Obviously, Palin is short on experience, even more so than Obama not to mention three years younger (44 versus 47).
However, when looking at both their records in office she appears to have done more with less and in shorter time.

Another knock for her is the ongoing investigation into abuse of power against her in regards to her trying to get her ex-brother-in-law shit-canned as an Alaskan State Trooper and then when that wasn't done fired the Public Safety Commissioner tasked with firing him.
I'm going to assume for now there is nothing illegal in any of this or McCain wouldn't have selected her as his running mate.

Finally, some have suggested, including yours truly when I first heard of the selection, that this choice takes away McCain's primary attack on Obama which has been the question of Obama's inexperience.
The logic of the argument is obvious but that has a serious flaw: Obama is the one running for President on his side whereas Governor Palin is merely running for Vice President on the other.

On the plus side she brings a maverick tradition within the Republican Party as McCain does.
She is a Pro-Life Christian unlike McCain which should help with the Evangelicals.
She is a life-long NRA member and her husband is a union member which should help with the Bubba Vote.
She is a hard-working mom which should help with the Soccer-Mom Vote.
She is a smart, savvy, and strong woman who has left a path of defeated men behind her who had the misfortune of have politically crossed her path which should help her with feminists and even some disaffected female Hillary fans.

Some have suggested McCain would have been better off having selected Mitt Romney which would have strengthened his position in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania.
However, her blue-collar pedigree (she once did professional fishing with her husband) and interest in guns and bibles should help McCain just fine with those folks in places like Pennsylvania where Obama once condescendingly (in a speech in the People's Republic of San Fransisco) referred to as holding onto their bibles and guns when times got rough.

One last thing I want to touch on is her being by definition a, well, um, MILF.

There! I said it! It's not a nice expression although it is a low-brow compliment of sorts.

I know damn well that is going to be the subject of innumerable water cooler conversations in a myriad of work places across the land until election day and if she wins then even beyond that.

Hell, I bet even Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live will follow that angle.

Want to bet against me on that?

World Financial Group Encounter Epilogue

I heard back from Young Jared yesterday morning.
He sent me this email message:

"Hi Kim,

wanted to see if you've given any thought to starting with WFG. let me know if you have any questions or need more info on the company. Talk to you soon.

Jared McNeer"

I replied with this message:

Thanks for getting back to me.
I did my own thorough research.
No further questions and no further interest.


Young Jared never got back to me after that.

Hurricane Double-Whammy
The United States is now directly under the gun from two hurricanes.
Hurricane Gustav is bearing down on the Cayman Island and then will
cross over Western Cuba before entering the Southern Gulf of Mexico.
Current progs place it near to just west of New Orleans which doesn't
bode well for the Big Easy nor the other prog that now calls for it to
strengthen into a Category Four storm. Currently it is a Category One
storm with maximum sustained winds near 85 mph.

Hurricane Hanna is further out but also predicted to strengthen and
ultimately interact with Florida in some fashion doesn't bode well.
Currently it is a tropical storm with maximum sustained winds of 50 mph.


1 comment:

  1. I agree 99.9% with your assessment of the current Democrats. They have gotten so out of touch with the people who consistently vote for them, essentially Blue-Collar America. These voters favor "traditional values", right-to-life, 2nd amendment, family (with marriage). It has continued to amaze me that the party leaders have kept this constituency despite all they've done. Maybe Pelosi's huge gaffe will make a change; every Catholic Church attendee this Sunday will get an earful!

    And look who the [presumptive] Republican VP candidate is! Family values (lived, not just spoken), right-to-life (lived, not just believed), pro 2nd Amendment (lived...), patriotic (son in military, head of AKNG and active), pro working class (is one--works a fishing boat!, and a union member, or at least hubby is), a reformer (with gun-notches to prove it), a fighter (e.g. sports championship, Miss AK competition, not to mention reform). Nearly perfect candidate? I can't agree with "nearly", and I'm not alone; amazing how many blog commentors said, "I was not going to vote, but I just sent money to McCain". Tell me this wasn't exactly the right pick!

    (Incidently, she's a woman. That makes her more appealing to my eyes than any of the other candidates, but that's incidental, and I JUST WISH we could get away from gender and ethnic clasifications and stereotypes! I agree with you re Obama's race--so what; he's a scumbag, which has nothing to do with his ethnicity. I also would go for Powell and/or Rice--in a heartbeat!)
