We had a solid group of volunteers at the welcome table all weekend long.
Member Wayne Mills was our "Rock Doc" both days of the show.
My friend Pam Spears represented Sister Stones in their usual spot.
Redstone was a new addition this year.
Janet Harrison as Miriam Medicine Woman was back again this year with her special vibe.
My Hafid Aboubker from Morocco was new to our show this year and a welcome addition.
Sandra Mendoza was back in our show this year after a one-year hiatus. Here, her husband Mark hams it up with my friends the Judds.
Scary Gary from Tulare hamming it up in the Gary's Jewelry and Lapidary Supplies booth.
Kirk Brock of Rock Solid Jade is always rock solid in any show.
Michael Santos brought his A-game StarStruck Meteorites extraterrestrial inventory again this year which topic was the theme of the show.
Jen and daughters represented the Rocks & Relics booth this year.
A spry Walt Lombardo brought the books and other goodies again this year.
Richard Sittinger brought his Wonderworks inventory to our show for the first time and we were blessed to have him here.
Mirwise Azam debuted his Afghan inventory this weekend and we hope to have him back.
My friend Mike Lyons was back this year and brought his beautiful inventory of gemstones and jade.
Greg Howell reconned our show last year and made a down payment on this spot a year in advance and occupied it this weekend sharing his splendid opal inventory.
Tom Demaris and granddaughter rocked their outdoor booth again this year... it was nice having him back after a one-year hiatus during which we had no outdoor show aspect.
We had a second Moroccan dealer this year whose name escapes me, but he was outdoors while Hafid was inside.
We were blessed to have Sal Ramirez represent Mexican minerals for us again this year.
Kaihua Wen of Nature Little Stone debuted this year outside and showed off his botryoidal prehnite pride and joy.
Barbara Grill was back with his gorgeous crystals and other goodies.... I picked up a killer Ocean Jasper polished stalactitic cluster for a great price in her booth.
All photos by Kim Patrick Noyes (all rights reserved).
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