This past Tuesday a CAL FIRE
S-2T tanker crashed while fighting the
Dog Rock Fire on the western margin of
Yosemite National Park within the park boundary near
El Portal, CA. The crash killed 62 year-old Geoffrey "Craig" Hunt who piloted Tanker #81 based out of
Hollister Air Attack Base in San Benito County serving
San Benito-Monterey Unit (BEU). Below is a sequence of three images captured by an unknown (to me) photographer which I found on's "
Secret List". The fourth image down features a view of the crash from the perspective of up the hill from it. The final five images were captured from the same general area as the first three and theoretically might have been taken by the same person. They show the new wildfire started by the crash itself and the effort to suppress it by rotary-wing aircraft following the initial shutdown of all fixed-wing aircraft following a crash of such as is a standard operating procedure in such cases.
Note: as the viewer can see in the first image it appeas most of the left wing is not attached to the aircraft. According to an initial FAA document this crash is being preliminarily described as an aircraft crash caused by a wing striking a tree.
Tanker 81 is at left sans left wing while air attack circles above it to the right.
Photo courtesy of |
Photo by Donald Talend courtesy AP (all rights reserved). |
Photo by Ken Yager (all rights reserved). |
Photo by Ken Yager (all rights reserved). |
Photo by Ken Yager (all rights reserved). |
Photo by Ken Yager (all rights reserved). |
Photo by Ken Yager (all rights reserved). |