Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Thoughts on Pole-Shift 2012 Doomsday Lunacy

The 2012 Pole Shift Doomsday Wackiness running amok on the web these days relies upon ignorance for success in keeping its adherents/advocates faithful and creating new adherents/advocates.

Here is a primer:

Pole Shift Doomsday Hypothesis IS NOT the same thing as genuine polar wander.
Pole Shift Doomsday Hypothesis IS NOT the same thing as geomagnetic reversal.
Pole Shift Doomsday Hypothesis IS NOT scientifically valid.

Pole Shift Doomsday Hypothesis IS New Age Doomsday prophesy wackiness.
Pole Shift Doomsday Hypothesis IS pseudo-scientific conspiracy theory wacktitude.
Pole Shift Doomsday Hypothesis IS an older idea that Plate Tectonics Theory nullified.

Adherents/advocates of the Pole Shift Hypothesis claim Albert Einstein supported it.
The reality is that Albert Einstein wrote the forward to Charles Hapgood's Late-50's book The Earth's Shifting Crust which pre-dated Plate Tectonics Theory which repudiated that and other such hypothesis and theories.

Another reality of Pole Shift Hypothesis is the hysteria-side of it promulgated by pseudo-intellectual New Agers and Theosophists who claim Mayan prophesies and other mumbo jumbo point to a global calamity in the year 2012 when they claim the poles will shift and physically move the crust of the earth around not to mention rearrange the rotation of the earth so everything gets moved around and the few who survive will find their weather and climate radically changed.

Through dating techniques we can rule out the Earth's axis shifts at intervals from every several thousand years to even longer as we can now rule out they even happen at all as there is no credible evidence they even occur.
Oops, I misspoke: one may have occurred 800 million years ago ... maybe, and even if it did, it took 20 million years to play out.

The New Age versions of this fable rely upon doomsday interpretations of the calendars of dead civilizations like the Mayans and Aztecs who apparently didn't even foresee their own demise.
Furthermore, how could they know about a global phenomenon that last happened well BEFORE they were around?

These people also like to point out the incidents of woolly mammoths found frozen standing in place with food still in their mouths as proof of these catastrophic pole shifts.
There is just one problem with those stores: they aren't true.
ALL frozen woolly mammoths that have been discovered were found in some stage of decomposition and NONE were still standing.

Yet another version of this nonsense calls for there to be yet another planet orbiting around our sun in a very wacky orbit that has it coming by us every several thousand years and triggering a catastrophic pole shift.
This planet is called Nibiru by the more New Agey elements and Planet X by the more pseudo-scientific crowd.
There once was speculation of a Planet X in respectable circles but that has since gone away as that possibility has been ruled out.

As stated previously, the popularity of this Pole Shift Doomsday Hysteria relies upon the ignorance of those who advocate it. Just a modicum of personal research and a dab of common sense should be enough for anybody entertaining these thoughts to have those intellectual demons exorcised.


  1. Dear Kimmer,

    You are right on with your remarks and I am compelled to add mine.

    When I was a kid, living out in the middle of nowhere, the tv and radio were my only links to the outside world. No newspapers were delivered to my parents and our news source was a 30 minute "nightly news" show that merely hit upon the big stories and left the smaller ones to die from unfamiliarity.

    My adopted mother (diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic) was a true believer in the Pentecostal doctrine. After making sure that one was dressed in accordance with the cult's doctrine (heavily based on Corinthians II and Deuteronomy), then one was exposed to berating at church for being a God-awful sinner. Once that was screamed into your head, you were then ready to be a Christian, totally out of fear that Christ would return within the next 30 minutes.

    Of course, all those stories about the Second Coming were filled with a most angry God who would torture the living nonbelievers. Cotton Mather would've been proud. I remember the afternoon when the enormous Alaskan quake occurred, on Good Friday, my mother had a friend over who had the mental capacity of a 12 year old kid (older than myself, but with reservations I couldn't yet comprehend).

    I eavesdropped on my mother's rant to her most willing audience that in the middle of the night, Christ would return with tidal waves and earth swallowing the nonbelievers. There would be demons who would come with horns and claws to rip the sinner to shreds and take his soul to Hell immediately where he/she would be tortured by fire for eternity.

    That night was the end of sleep for me, as I would lay awake and just knew that I heard huge waves pouring across the rural landscape and that the black shadow outside were demons waiting to catch me asleep so that they could nab me.

    Of course, I rebelled against these tactics, because all of that horse hockey had to do with control. I refused to be dominated by a bunch of idiot masochists. This did not make life easy at home. It was so bad that I took drastic measures to remove myself from it.

    The lunacy of my mother eventually pushed me into counseling, where I finally exorcised her influence. And this leads to the point of this tirade: regardless of how stupid and ignorant these doomsday claims are, there will be people, within one's sphere of influence, who will try to sell you their own brand of fear so that you will either be controlled by them or by those who control them. God help the kids who are the victims.

    Whether this nonsense is dressed as Pentecostal propaganda or as a church that exists for the sake of so-called logic, beware--child abuse comes in many forms. Please help those kids who have been chained to absurd doctrines via their parents or guardians. Life is too short to spend so much time living in ineptitude and fear. Too much time spent there, and the scars may never leave.


  2. Yep, it's a crock o'crap.

    Mary A.

  3. Breaking news: There is unequivocal scientific evidence that life as we know it will continue to grind on following December 21, 2012!

    The scientific community has come to a consensus that not only will nothing stupendous happen on this date but that the people who created this theory are clinically insane and would all be sent to asylums if it were not for the fear of overcrowding them!

  4. Garsh, I almost forgot about this absurdity. We're all still here! Our extinction event will come out of the blue! ;-)
