Saturday, September 12, 2015

Valley Firestorm Super Footage

I had to work a shift shortly after today's Valley Firestorm erupted in Lake County burning from Cobb, CA, to Middletown, CA, and consuming large swaths of both and just about everything in between. I missed much of it as the story unfolded but did get to monitor it a little bit via Twitter, the Hotlist, and emails in that descending order of relevance. Following work, I unwound online while getting caught up on the disaster. The following video footage is the most dramatic of this fire which I have found thus far. It was captured from a residence in Hidden Valley Lake looking west-southwest. It was recorded by Grace Becker at her father's house right before evacuating. It is unknown how this neighborhood fared in the fire.
*Note: edited 9/14/15 10:44 a.m. with updated embed code from original source.


  1. Hi Kim, link you posted is stolen vid from Grace Becker, here's HER video (don't we hate when our photos uncredited?)
    The clouds, wind, #ValleyFire own created weather in her video is amazing.

  2. Thanks DeeAnn so much for the clarification and new link which I have embedded as an edit to this post. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the awesomeness of the weather aspect of this footage.
