Thursday, August 11, 2011

When Dana Carvey Upstaged Everybody

I have always profoundly appreciated the humor and comedy of Dana Carvey going back to his Church Lady days on Saturday Night Live (SNL). However, harking back to that period he is every bit as well-known for his devastating impression of then-President George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush 41). Both before and since that time many other comedians doing Presidential impersonations have come and gone on SNL, most notably Will Ferrell's devastating rendition of President George Walker Bush (Bush 43) and Darrell Hammond's devastating President Clinton imitation. With those two possible exceptions nobody else has come close to Carvey's Bush 41 impersonation. In March 2010 a political comedy movie short was filmed with the express purpose of garnering support for a new federal government agency called the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (Bureau) which was created a year later. The movie short was and still is shown on the website This project reunited all the living SNL Presidential impersonators starting with and in chronological order Chevy Chase as President Ford, Dan Akroyd as President Carter, Dana Carvey as President Bush 41, Darrell Hammond as President Clinton, Will Ferrell as President Bush 43 and Fred Armisen as President Obama. The late Phil Hartman who used to play President Reagan was replaced by Jim Carrey who did a fine job. Below I have put up three videos. The first video is the movie short I'm talking about and I feel it clearly shows Carvey upstaging the whole lot of his co-stars. The second video is an ad-libbing outtake that shows Carvey and Will Farrell trying to one-up each other and make the other laugh.The third one video shows Carvey in all his comedic ad-libitum glory going on a riff in his Bush 41 incarnation.

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