Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jewels Of The Earth By Diana

Since first I ever set eyes upon the jewelry design and making artwork of Diana March I have been enamored with her expert eye for selecting truly great pieces of mineral, fossil, tektite, or meteorite as pendants as well as her extraordinary sense of design and highly-skilled execution in wirewrapping those pieces into amazing works of jewelry art. As if that weren't enough her prices are incredibly affordable given what they are. On top of that she is an incredibly affable, down-to-earth, and kind-hearted person who has avoided getting all self-importantly full of herself as too often happens to artists moving up in the world.

And I won't neglect to mention her awesome husband who possesses an awesome talent for designing wonderfully creative displays for his wife's jewelry. He's also a real hoot to banter with. In these two people the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts and it is a pleasure to know them to the degree that I do.

As some of you may or may not know I am not a jewelry-wearing guy but after acquiring an Ernie Porter-collected piece of jade I recruited Diana to create a pendant and necklace for it befitting a man's man and as those of you whom have been following this blog may or may not recall she created THIS amazing work of jewelry art I wear to all special occasions.

Below are images of their display at last weekend's 53rd Annual Cayucos Gem & Mineral Show.  

All photos by Kim Patrick Noyes (all rights reserved).

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