Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Pictures Of Our Latest Ant Hill Adventure

Having attended the CFMS field trip to Ant Hill last month which I blogged about) I returned a month later with my then girlfriend for a return engagement with Shep Koss as our guide along with a couple of his friends.

I am now sharing with you all my four pictures of that day...I would have taken more but I was too darned busy finding sharks teeth.

Pictured below are my little Chihuahua-Terrier (Terror is more accurate) Tequila and rowdy rockhounding raconteur Shep Koss (definitely a Terror) along with two of his friends, Al and Mary Bennett, who were first-time visitors there.
Tequila concerned about my falling behind the rest of the group.
Tequila moments later concerned she is falling behind the rest of the group.
Shep Koss and Al Bennett down in the hole while Mary checks her screenings.
Do any of you notice how much browner the grass is than just a few weeks prior in my blog of the CFMS field trip to this locale?
It was strange to see all that brown grass while there were puddles around diggings as well as muddy dirt everywhere.
It was also pretty shocking how fast some of those puddles went down and the dirt dried out over the course of just the afternoon we were there.

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