Rocki The Cat has been my dear feline friend since 2008 or thereabouts. I have been blessed with many wonderful cats over the course of my life but
Rocki stands out as one of the best if not the best cat I have ever had the privilege of owning.
Rocki has dinstinctly
Maine Coon, features but is small for that breed in no small measure due to her malnurishment during critical days and weeks in her early development. This breed is one to which I was unfamiliar until I met
Rocki. I have since discovered that Maine Coons are very special cats and I've become so spoiled with
Rocki that I want only cats of that breed from now on.
Rocki entered my life one day when I and my mother and my then-girlfriend were out taking an evening walk up
Rocky Canyon Road. We were greeted by
Rocki coming out to meet us asking for help. She was a tiny sickly kitten who was emaciated and dehydrated and probably the only survivor of her litter. We found her in a wildland area a good distance from any human habitation so her mother was probably feral. We went back the next day and searched the area for any of her litter-mates who might have been in the area but found none. My then-girlfriend nursed
Rocki back to health during the critical days and weeks that followed. Since that time we have jointly owned her although
Rocki has lived with me. At some point in the future
Rocki will go live with my ex-girlfriend when she gets her own apartment. In the meantime I continue to be blessed with enjoying the pleasure of having
Rocki in my life. The following sequence of ten photos were taken this evening and are in the order they were taken:
Photos by Kim Patrick Noyes (all right reserved).
AWWWW... I love this kitty. Such a great thing you guys did... she's gorgeous, too. I don't know how you're going to be able to give her up. Please give her a scritchle behind the ear for me.