This evening my church family got together for a special meal out at the home of my church home group's leader couple (Ted & Janet) up Hog Canyon Road in the Estrella area northeast of
Paso Robles, CA. I have affectionately christened my adoptive family the "
17th Street Gang" since the regular host couple (Kevin & Heather) live on that street here in Paso Robles. Below are several images I captured before dark.
Note: I wish to convey my deepest thanks to Ted & Janet for most graciously hosting us and to everybody there for their contribution to our collaborative feast, but especially those who brought main course type things or made something themselves. Special props go to Janet's most amazing lemonade which had it been alcoholic I would now be in a blackout. I also thank Marty & Karen for allowing me to join their carpool. Also, thanks for all the food all of you sent home with me. I'm set for days now!
This is the view south and down-canyon from the hillock upon which we spent the evening. |
This was the greater part of the 17th Street Gang in attendance this evening (+ 2 guests) although we were missing several pieces. |
This was the start of a splendid sunset sequence this evening. |
The clouds this evening had a subtly autumn appearance which combined with my noticing the change in the angle and intensity of the Sun in recent days in the context of my mild S.A.D. sobered me just a tad. |
I used to photograph more sunsets in my "lost years" when I was oft driving home at dusk from an adventure whereas nowadays I'm usually not in position to capture a sunset from an unobstructed viewpoint given I live downtown Paso Robles. |
Gary & Terry (of Gary's Original Sandwich fame in Atascadero in the 1990's) joined us tonight although they are not regulars but after tonight's vittles that might change I hope. Ted is working his grill magic. |
The crescent moon combined with the clouds and setting sun made for an exquisite sunset.
All photos by Kim Patrick Noyes (all rights reserved). |
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